Noah Van Crombruggen

Game Designer



TenochTile is an Aztec-themed citybuilder where you recreate your very own Tenochtitlan.


Contribution: system design, 3D art, UI-UX design


Everywhen is an Action RPG project, currently in active development, where you track and hunt larger-than-life creatures.


Contribution: Game design


In Memoryweaver, you travel through the mind to heal a traumatic memory.


Contribution: game design, level design, code

Last Mistakes

A prototype around a mechanic based on my visit to the Fine Arts Museum in Antwerp.


Contribution: Game design, shader

Unfinished Swan Study

A project in study of the mechanics found in the award-winning game The Unfinished Swan.


Contribution: Game design, code

About Me

Pleasure to meet you! My name is Noah Van Crombruggen, I am a game designer and Unity generalist. My passions lay in designing systems, levels and balancing.


I won’t say no to a challenge, and am always looking to learn and improve myself and what I make. I believe opportunities are meant to be taken. To say “Yes!” more often and stepping outside of my comfort zone, that’s what life is about!


If you share this vision with me, or would like to read more about my skillset and experience, please read more using the button bellow!


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